AUGUST QUOTES! Leave them at the end of this post with your Ani-Pock name!
Acronell -
Aly - Yay! happy birfsday z and all other august birthdays out there :3
AmaiUzuRin -
AmatsuMisa -
Anthonykun -
Ash -
Asukachan -
Azrothneko - ~~insert funny comment~~ ..i'm so Original!!
Chibiwolf -
Chikyuu -
Claxkip4 -
CTK_Hullo -
DarkRiku -
DemonDude -
Edgeslayer -
Haku - Haku uses chibi attack of doom! But haku hurts himself in confusion @.@
HannahBanana99 -
Hinder -
Hunter Joe - It isn't easy being sleazy.
Icecoldness -
Icewolfz -
IchigoStars -
Ikkokou -
Inubabe -
KafeiCHU - "Never do now, what you could do for 24 hours straight, all night, the night before."
KageNek- If you do get me to say something bad for you, I'll make it 100x worse than what you wanted me to say.
Kajsa -
Kamisori - Don't have something Nice to say... Get KageNe(k) or Kami... to say it for you! (o^-')b
Karlzorz -
Katsuhiro - High School seriously SUCKS!! Can't wait to get out!
Katze -
Kawaiibebe -
Kemagenese - "Power makes me giggle."
Kip -
Koi-Koi - Sucks to be you huh? o_O
Koin -
Liltweetgal- I hate it! We look like a freakin' circus"
Lucy -
Luna -
Mangaboy -
Merc -
Mercesteys - *happy land on the other side of the fence, death and destruction to the right
Meyume -
Mikikochan -
Mina -
Mochidzuki - Mochiis birthday of the 16th :D be there. Or don't be there =]
MoonlightNeko -
Mr. Mew -
Mudpelt -
Nightmaresan - Can't we all just bomb each other and get it overwith?
Nippou -
paflionvaercel- Two plus two donesn't mean squat when I'm rotting my mind oon the internet.
PiscesDragon - Someone once said, what goes on inside that head of yours? and the response: are you sure you really want to know? after all my mind can be a weird place at times...
Pocky - Mormon love is so strange. x3
PockyWarrior -
Proudtobeemo -
Punkchick - It's like a scavenger hunt, but inside a tiny box.
Purly -
Qwet - awe drat schools is here again for me that means i have to start lower my expectations of life again
Rena - Mel Blanc (voice of Bugs Bunny) was allergic to carrots.
Reyoko -
Rika - I think i just died a little on the inside. thank you for sharing that story. =.=
Rin - Rin Rin Rin Rin Rin Rin Rin Banana Phone!
Rohanu -
Rosebarks- May the angels SCREAM and the devil CRY!
Sadako - What do you with a grump octopus?
Shika Suki - "Take my hand lets fllyy awayyyy<3"
Silver -
StanTheMan -
Teenlink - I wonder if when Sept. 1 comes, if I'll have a birthday post in my honor... (hint hint)
Terrato -
TienMei -
T0ast -
Wadim - There is no security, only different levels of unsecurity.
Wolfie -
Xbombr - sometimes to go further, you just have to get back to basics...
Yoshi - Who, What, When, Where, Why .... Oh almost forgot How?
Zaku - I can't be called a saint since I already burned the book. =D
Zeke -
Zelorean -
Zslayrr - my birthday is this month and so is alys ^^ happy birthday aly
As Ani-Pock grows in age and size, and as members come and go, it's fun to see the friends Ani-Pock has met!
Friday, August 01, 2008
2008 - August
If you're on here, leave a comment NOW. If you're not on here, leave a comment (NOW) but with your name and I'll put you on.
Posted by
1:41 PM
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"Take my hand lets fllyy awayyyy<3"
-Shika Suki
Sucks to be you huh? o_O - Koi;Koi ;D
"hey there's this wall that i could easily jump over but its not giving me the jump over command... what do i do?" "oh you have to go the other way and find the key" *happy land on the other side of the fence, death and destruction to the right (with mob of angry villagers)* "crap.."
Who, What, When, Where, Why .... Oh almost forgot How?
"Don't have something Nice to say... Get KageNe(k) or Kami... to say it for you! (o^-')b"
/me points out the name says "kami..."
It isn't easy being sleazy.
Rin Rin Rin Rin Rin Rin Rin Banana Phone!
Mochiis birthday of the 16th :D be there. Or don't be there =]
I can't be called a saint since I already burned the book. =D
I wonder if when Sept. 1 comes, if I'll have a birthday post in my honor... (hint hint)- Teenlink
Haku uses chibi attack of doom! But haku hurts himself in confusion @.@
awe drat schools is here again for me that means i have to start lower my expectations of life again
Two plus two donesn't mean squat when I'm rotting my mind oon the internet.
Someone once said, what goes on inside that head of yours? and the response: are you sure you really want to know? after all my mind can be a weird place at times...
OMG DIAL UP SUUUCCCKKKKSS >.< Damn island in middle of lake in middle of a state................GRAAAAAAAHHH *ogi is vacationing in wisconson......*
Got everything up to here!
my birthday is this month and so is alys ^^ happy birthday aly
~~insert funny comment~~ ..i'm so Original!!
There is no security, only different levels of unsecurity.
Wadim ~
"Never do now, what you could do for 24 hours straight, all night, the night before."
= w=.
I think i just died a little on the inside. thank you for sharing that story. =.=
If you do get me to say something bad for you, I'll make it 100x worse than what you wanted me to say.
What do you with a grump octopus?
~ Sada
sometimes to go further, you just have to get back to basics...
Can't we all just bomb each other and get it overwith?
Yay! happy birfsday z and all other august birthdays out there :3
I'm not leaving a quote, this is so stupid, making people come up with quotes. I PROTEST!!!!!!!!
My earlier post is my quote.
May the angels SCREAM and the devil CRY!
High School seriously SUCKS!! Can't wait to get out!
"Power makes me giggle."
Hey could you make it GOTTA POKE EM ALL instead of GOTTA CATCH EM ALL
Mel Blanc (voice of Bugs Bunny) was allergic to carrots.
Got everything up to here! =================
My quote is a link!
Est. 2002
A evil Weiner dog lives at the end of my scared!...-sliverTwilight
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