If you're on here, leave a comment NOW.
If you're not on here, leave a comment (NOW), but with your name and I'll add you to the list.
AmaiUzuRin- To be or not to be..to be to not be..to maybe be..what they might be if you be what you be...Lal. o-o
AmatsuMisa- Education isn't a preparation for life, education is life itself
Claxkip4-Even at Ani-pock...Foedus Obrepit Errabundus
CTK_Hullo - For Great Justice
Hunter- Ah finally :D i pic with me.*shakes fists in victory*
Kamisori- This time last year... is just a bad Memory...
Katsuhiro- gah....why must teachers give out so many tests and major projects at the end of each quarter...bleh...oh well 2 week spring break!!! w00t!!
Kip- Take off every zig !!
Merc- I got bored one night and put in a blank tape on full blast...... the mime next door had a heart attack.
Ogi- GRRR-kicks ani-pock chat box-WORK WHY WON'T YOU WORK?!?!
PicesDragon-Never refuse any advance of friendship, for if nine out of ten bring you nothing, one alone may repay you.
Pocky- The Easter egg Bunny overheated.
PockyWarrior-Welcome to the internet, where men are nerds, women are men, and children are FBI agents.
Punkchick- Ichi's defense against hugs..is also what you do when you're on fire. STOP DROP and ROLL
Purly- This month, I'll probably post a video of Purly dancing to the Kodomo no Jikan ending video~! And way to go Pocky~! You do that!! Maybe you'll convince your friends to come to Ani-pock~ I'ld love to meet them!
Qwet- i seam to be the forgetful one around here and i don't mean it like i forget stuff i mean it like people tend to forget me. sad face ;-;
Rena- :D dude it's march! hmm..iunno what else to say! it's marchhhh!! go play in some wet grass piles!
Rin- I see a field of clovers underneath a sky of soft white-gray.
Sadako- Hey..hey...what's this do? *pokes robot* o -o
THC- Why are we learning the Iabmbic Pentameters in english?? I can already play them on my bass.
TienMei- my b-day's today! (March 4) ah.... yet i feel no happiness..... it means im one more year closer to to the dirt nap...
Xbombr- When I was a small child my grandpa gave me and my brother christmas presents. Mine was a box of broken glass and my brother's was a box of bandaids... he said "Now you two share...
Yoshi-Nobody is a someone, untill that someone becomes a nobody
Zach -
Zaku- We exist to simplify the questions of existence...when we finally answer the questions for ourselves we are rewarded.
Zeke- Have you ever noticed that everyone runs faster with a knife in hand?
Zelorean -
Zslayrr- Without short people, there wouldn't be tall people.
As Ani-Pock grows in age and size, and as members come and go, it's fun to see the friends Ani-Pock has met!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
March 2008 ;)
Posted by
8:06 PM
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:O When I was a small child my grandpa gave me and my christmas presents. Mine was a box of broken glass and my brother's was a box of bandaids... he said "Now you two share..."
the first sentence is supposed to be: "when i was a small child my grandpa gave me and my brother christmas presents."
I can't wait for the Ani-Pock Newspaper to be published! I'm going to leave copies of it all over my school xD
This month, I'll probably post a video of Purly dancing to the Kodomo no Jikan ending video~! And way to go Pocky~! You do that!! Maybe you'll convince your friends to come to Ani-pock~ I'ld love to meet them!
This time last year... is just a bad Memory...
I see a field of clovers underneath a sky of soft white-gray.
Have you ever noticed that everyone runs faster with a knife in hand?
Nobody is a someone, untill that someone becomes a nobody
We exist to simplify the questions of existence...when we finally answer the questions for ourselves we are rewarded.
Even at Ani-pock...
Foedus Obrepit Errabundus
:D dude it's march! hmm..iunno what else to say! it's marchhhh!! go play in some wet grass piles!
Never refuse any advance of friendship, for if nine out of ten bring you nothing, one alone may repay you.
-- Madame de Tencin
okay this is my quote "i seam to be the forgetful one around here and i don't mean it like i forget stuff i mean it like people tend to forget me. sad face ;-;
i got bored one night and put in a blank tape on full blast...... the mime next door had a heart attack.
gah....why must teachers give out so many tests and major projects at the end of each quarter...bleh...oh well 2 week spring break!!! w00t!!
Hey..hey...what's this do? *pokes robot* o -o
To be or not to be..to be to not be..to maybe be..what they might be if you be what you be...Lal. o-o
My favorite quote is: "without short people, there wouldn't be tall people."
Take off every zig !!
They say a murderer dosen't have any friends. Of course he dosen't have any friends, hes been killing everyone!
(I noticed a typo. My name should be spelled PiscesDragon ^^;; )
- PiscesDragon (aka Rose)
I seriously need to stop going on Myspaca....Myspaca, Myspaaaaaaace....HAHAHA RANCH TOAST!!
My easter eggz made my tummy upset.. Sad Face D:
Get out of bed. Stretch. Yawn. Drink Monster/Amp/Full Throttle, or whatever your preferred energy drink is. Go to bathroom. Pee. Look at self in mirror with disgust as your hair is a mess.
Congratulations! You've completed level 1: Morning routine.
Now onto level 2: Life!
Everyone seems to want to eat breakfast as soon as they wake up in the morning, including me. Which Vacuum cleaner to pick ? A question I seem to ask lots of of times - I must admit I have always tended to buy cheaper vacuum cleaners but this can often be a false economy. A transmission leak is no joke, and is often the result of failing to properly change and maintain your transmission. Today's Quatation list When it comes to buying a car, the needs of a family are different from those of a senior or single.
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