- 123
- AbbyForever
- Asuka
- Azroth Neko - all the time differances from GM to E.L.T to the obseen backlash of daylight saving and shifting seasons, going around the world in saint Nick's time
- theory from passage it would be 30x the speed of light and just about 0.48835.. air velocity and added weight of presents, so at these speeds the raindeer would burst into flames and Santa crushed, so if he ever did exist..he's dead now.. Mēŗřŷ Ċħŗĩšŧmąś ♥
- Ash
- BearLord - " hm *looks at fat man in red coat* i know who you are now....... youre the tooth fairy"
- Bem - " Balla Da Li Dila Balla Di La Dali Sha lala lala"
- Bubbles
- Cel
- Celley - Maybe I'm a fool for loving you... but I'd rather be foolish than wise.
- chibi_wolf
- ChikyuuNekoSan
- CrowbarTK_Hullo -
- Demon Dude
- DYL -
- Evil Neko -
- Haku - " The dragon isn't evil. Just all powerful."
- Ichigo Stars -"eh? O__O"
- Inubabe - "dont eat yellow snow!!!"
- Jent Sama - "Be the change you want to see in the world."
- Jess
- Jessi -
- Kafei
- Kage Nek -
- Kamisori-
- Karl Tyzanta - "*Casts Rabarta* FREEZE TIME!"
- Katsuhiro - "as the nights get longer the darkness grows stronger..."
- Katsu
- Kawaii - "squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
- Kip - "Why do bad things happen to me when I eat meat?!"
- Kira
- Kirby
- kitsune
- Lilium
- Lucy -
- MangaBoy
- Marie -
- Maikeru
- Mekkaku
- Merc
- Meyume - "Your only as much as the person next to you! n_n"
- Mochidzuki
- Phil -
- Pika Pyro
- Pocky - "Happy December!!"
- PunkChick - " We used to have a quicksand-box in the backyard when I was a kid; I was an only child...Eventually"
- Qwet - *qwet inhaled a deep breath* and said to santa "iwantapeglegaoneeyednewtafrostynoseafrostytreeafringynapkin thatillonlyuseonceandachessecakeonryewithmustered"and santa said "you got to be crazy kid i have no idea what you just said"
- Rei -
- Rin - "I am far from perfect, but with you here with me maybe I don't need to be."
- Rena -
- Rose - "Each of us have the power to create our own destiny if we choose to do so."
- Sadaka -
- Sakura - "The dancing Poo Will REIGN!"
- Sakura (Ash's girlfriend) -
- Scott -
- Sefi - "Did it poop on me?? o.O"
- TeenLink
- Teh-Song - "Danger Tag's no fun when everyone that's playing is killed... *sob*"
- Twilight
- Triforce
- Yuki -
- Zaku - "Power lies in the forgiveness of even the most evil of people."
As Ani-Pock grows in age and size, and as members come and go, it's fun to see the friends Ani-Pock has met!
Friday, December 01, 2006
December 2006
Posted by
9:35 AM
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dont eat yellow snow!!!
eh? O__O
"Be the change you want to see in the world."
"Danger Tag's no fun when everyone that's playing is killed... *sob*"
Got all up to here! Keep them coming ! ^_^
The dragon isn't evil. Just all powerful.
"Did it poop on me?? o.O"
Balla Da Li Dila Balla Di La Dali Sha lala lala
Also , i'd like pink letter with it please.
*Casts Rabarta* FREEZE TIME!
"Power lies in the forgiveness of even the most evil of people."
dragons arnt evil. just all powerful
as the nights get longer the darkness grows stronger...
Ah, well.. Um. <_< >_>
Your only as much as the person next to you! n_n
Please add me as Rose
Thanks all! Got them all up to here! Keep them coming!
"I am far from perfect, but with you here with me maybe I don't need to be."
~Rin (my own quote)
hm *looks at fat man in red coat* i know who you are now....... youre the tooth fairy
here's my quote:
"Each of us have the power to create our own destiny if we choose to do so."
"Each of us have the power to create our own destiny if we choose to do so."
Got all up to here!
*qwet inhaled a deep breath* and said to santa "iwantapeglegaoneeyednewtafrostynoseafrostytreeafringynapkinthatillonlyuseonceandachessecakeonryewithmustered" and santa said "you got to be crazy kid i have no idea what you just said"
We used to have a quicksand-box in the backyard when I was a kid; I was an only child...Eventually
Added up to here!
Maybe I'm a fool for loving you... but I'd rather be happy than wise.
Maybe I'm a fool for loving you... but I'd rather be foolish than wise.
all the time differances from GM to E.L.T to the obseen backlash of daylight saving and shifting seasons, going around the world in saint Nick's time theory from passage it would be 30x the speed of light and just about 0.48835.. air velocity and added weight of presents, so at these speeds the raindeer would burst into flames and Santa crushed, so if he ever did exist..he's dead now..Mēŗřŷ Ċħŗĩšŧmąś ♥
hiya! I would like to join!
As Trombomtom please! =)
Got all up to here! Starting January now
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