AUGUST QUOTES! Leave them at the end of this post with your Ani-Pock name!
Acronell -
Aly - Yay! happy birfsday z and all other august birthdays out there :3
AmaiUzuRin -
AmatsuMisa -
Anthonykun -
Ash -
Asukachan -
Azrothneko - ~~insert funny comment~~ ..i'm so Original!!
Chibiwolf -
Chikyuu -
Claxkip4 -
CTK_Hullo -
DarkRiku -
DemonDude -
Edgeslayer -
Haku - Haku uses chibi attack of doom! But haku hurts himself in confusion @.@
HannahBanana99 -
Hinder -
Hunter Joe - It isn't easy being sleazy.
Icecoldness -
Icewolfz -
IchigoStars -
Ikkokou -
Inubabe -
KafeiCHU - "Never do now, what you could do for 24 hours straight, all night, the night before."
KageNek- If you do get me to say something bad for you, I'll make it 100x worse than what you wanted me to say.
Kajsa -
Kamisori - Don't have something Nice to say... Get KageNe(k) or Kami... to say it for you! (o^-')b
Karlzorz -
Katsuhiro - High School seriously SUCKS!! Can't wait to get out!
Katze -
Kawaiibebe -
Kemagenese - "Power makes me giggle."
Kip -
Koi-Koi - Sucks to be you huh? o_O
Koin -
Liltweetgal- I hate it! We look like a freakin' circus"
Lucy -
Luna -
Mangaboy -
Merc -
Mercesteys - *happy land on the other side of the fence, death and destruction to the right
Meyume -
Mikikochan -
Mina -
Mochidzuki - Mochiis birthday of the 16th :D be there. Or don't be there =]
MoonlightNeko -
Mr. Mew -
Mudpelt -
Nightmaresan - Can't we all just bomb each other and get it overwith?
Nippou -
paflionvaercel- Two plus two donesn't mean squat when I'm rotting my mind oon the internet.
PiscesDragon - Someone once said, what goes on inside that head of yours? and the response: are you sure you really want to know? after all my mind can be a weird place at times...
Pocky - Mormon love is so strange. x3
PockyWarrior -
Proudtobeemo -
Punkchick - It's like a scavenger hunt, but inside a tiny box.
Purly -
Qwet - awe drat schools is here again for me that means i have to start lower my expectations of life again
Rena - Mel Blanc (voice of Bugs Bunny) was allergic to carrots.
Reyoko -
Rika - I think i just died a little on the inside. thank you for sharing that story. =.=
Rin - Rin Rin Rin Rin Rin Rin Rin Banana Phone!
Rohanu -
Rosebarks- May the angels SCREAM and the devil CRY!
Sadako - What do you with a grump octopus?
Shika Suki - "Take my hand lets fllyy awayyyy<3"
Silver -
StanTheMan -
Teenlink - I wonder if when Sept. 1 comes, if I'll have a birthday post in my honor... (hint hint)
Terrato -
TienMei -
T0ast -
Wadim - There is no security, only different levels of unsecurity.
Wolfie -
Xbombr - sometimes to go further, you just have to get back to basics...
Yoshi - Who, What, When, Where, Why .... Oh almost forgot How?
Zaku - I can't be called a saint since I already burned the book. =D
Zeke -
Zelorean -
Zslayrr - my birthday is this month and so is alys ^^ happy birthday aly
As Ani-Pock grows in age and size, and as members come and go, it's fun to see the friends Ani-Pock has met!
Friday, August 01, 2008
2008 - August
If you're on here, leave a comment NOW. If you're not on here, leave a comment (NOW) but with your name and I'll put you on.
Posted by
1:41 PM
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